20+ Winter WONDER-ful Aktivitäten für Dash

Coding in a Winter Wonderland There are many ways to reinforce physical coding and applied robotics during this holiday season. You can use these winter wonderland ideas as morning warm-ups or for Friday free time, or you can create rotation stations to tackle them all at once during a classroom celebration. Pick and choose your […]
20+ Winter WONDER-ful Aktivitäten für Dash

It’s Time for a Holiday Bash There are many ways to reinforce physical coding and applied robotics during this holiday season. You can use these winter wonderland ideas as morning warm-ups or for Friday free time, or you can create rotation stations to tackle them all at once during a classroom celebration. Pick and choose […]
Our Annual Winter WONDER-land Roundup of Activities!

20+ Winter WONDER-land Activities for Dash, Dot, & Cue

20+ Winter WONDER-ful Activities for Dash, Dot, & Cue

A Cornucopia of Thanksgiving Ideas for Robots in the Classroom

Student Motivation: More Carrot, Less Stick

Happy Birthday to Dash & Dot: The Little Robots That Can — and Did!

6 Activity Packets to Use Throughout the School Year