Gear up for the Wonder League Robotics Competition with Free Missions and Insider Tips

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Year 10 of the Wonder League Robotics Competition is Underway!

Here’s everything you need to know to round up a team, jump in and compete!

This year, teams help Dash travel through different time, solving real-world problems with creative coding solutions. All four missions have now launched, and there’s still plenty of time to jump into your TimeCoder 3000 and join Dash on this epic journey!

Not sure what to expect? Check out free missions from our Year 3 competition to get a feel for what the WLRC is all about. 

2017-18 (Year 3) Innovator Cup

Free Mission 1

The Innovator Cup is designed for kids ages 6-8.  Students can use Make Wonder’s Coding Pathways levels A-C to learn the skills they need before applying them in our missions throughout the competition.

Check out Team Katzzz’s 2023-2024 Innovator’s Cup submission to see what 6-8 year olds can do! 

2017-18 (Year 3) Pioneer Cup

Free Mission 1

The Pioneer Cup is designed for students ages 9-12.  Students can use Make Wonder’s Coding Pathways levels D-F to learn the skills they will need to apply to the missions. 

Curious about what a Pioneer Cup mission could look like? Watch Team A’s submission to the 2023-2024 Wonder League Robotics Competition!

Coaches’ Corner Overview

Once you’ve registered a team, you will have access to a support system and additional perks housed in the Coaches’ Corner, which you can find after clicking on the “Robotics Competition” tab in the Make Wonder portal.  Here is a sneak peek of a few features that are waiting for you:

Coach's Corner Screenshot

Coach Community on Heartbeat

Heartbeat is an online forum where coaches can discuss progress, ask questions, share tips, and celebrate successes. Sign up by clicking “Join the WLRC Coach Community” in the left menu. Once you’ve created a profile, you’ll have access to general info and threads about the Innovator and Pioneer Cups.

We’ve all had moments where a plan goes awry—a student’s tough question or a missing tool can throw off a lesson. If have a question, just ask! There’s always someone ready to help.

Discount Code

As a Wonder League Coach, you have access to an exclusive 30% discount to use on a purchase of $100 in the Wonder Workshop store! Navigate to the 2024-25 WLRC Coaches’ Corner course (the same place you will find your missions) and look for “Discount Code for Coaches” on the menu on the left of your screen. 

Mission Logbook

Download a logbook for each mission to help your team plan, design, and assess their mission goals. This tool can be a great way to help students think critically about the steps they will take and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. 

You can find this in the 2024-25 WLRC Coaches’ Corner course by scrolling to the bottom of the menu on the left side of the screen. 

Register for the 2024-2025 Competition

Learn more about this year’s competition and register today at

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