Nice To Meet You

Thank you for visiting our table and inviting us to your event. We’re so glad you’re here. Take a moment to browse our exclusive Clayton County discount offer, opportunities to attend a webinar, and information for implementing a comprehensive coding and robotics solution (Make Wonder) at your school or district.


Get Make Wonder STEM Center or STEM School at 20% off!

This special offer makes our 12-Month Make Wonder subscription (up to 300 students or up to 500 students) available for 20% off!

Contact Wendy Wells to obtain a special quote for Clayton County Public Schools

Learn How to Implement the Make Wonder Platform at Your School


Attend a Live Webinar

Learn how the Make Wonder platform simplify creating a coding curriculum by providing pre-built lessons and activities that are assignable and trackable from a teacher dashboard. Students’ eyes will light up as they embark on coding adventures with Dash in a vibrant virtual world or with physical Dash in the classroom.


Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Every Friday, we send a newsletter to our educator community chock full of resources to support you in your STEM classroom. Find inspiration for how to engage students on their journey to coding literacy. 

Learn More About Wonder Workshop

Designed for learning, engineered for fun.

Inspire Imaginations

At Wonder Workshop, our award-winning Dash robot, suite of apps, and Make Wonder platform encourage play and learning to make creative problem-solving concrete and tangible. Our vision is to inspire kids of all ages by giving them tools to imagine and invent the future. See how our solutions can support your STEM program.
