Dash into Holiday Joy: Easy Tips for Unboxing and Getting Started

Wrapping paper is flying, eyes are sparkling, and excited laughter lights up the room as your child finally meets Dash! Christmas morning is all about magic, and with Dash you can skip the stressful setup so your child can dive right into their coding adventure. We want to make it easy for you to focus […]

20+ Actividades de invierno WONDER-ful para Dash

Coding in a Winter Wonderland There are many ways to reinforce physical coding and applied robotics during this holiday season. You can use these winter wonderland ideas as morning warm-ups or for Friday free time, or you can create rotation stations to tackle them all at once during a classroom celebration. Pick and choose your […]

20+ Actividades de invierno WONDER-ful para Dash

Dash wearing reindeer headband

Hay muchas maneras de reforzar la codificación física y la robótica aplicada durante estas fiestas. Puedes utilizar estas ideas del país de las maravillas invernal como calentamiento matutino o para el tiempo libre de los viernes, o puedes crear estaciones de rotación para abordarlas todas a la vez durante una celebración en el aula. Elige y [...]



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